Friday, August 12, 2011

2012 Calendar and Hanabutai Issue 87

Finally, the Tachibana Kikutaro Gekidan has revealed the cover of their Tachibana Gekidan 2012 calendar. The cover shows the members under the Third Generation Chairman, Daigoro Tachibana and the third generation officers. On the cover, the the third generation Chairman, Daigoro, is shown in the topmost center photo and alongside with him is the third generation Vice-Chairman, Ryoji (topmost left), and current Hanagata or Star, Yutaro (topmost right). The May 2011 photoshoot results came out nice and the members really look great. The cover is revealed by none other than Daigoro (third generation chairman of the troupe) himself in his blog with much glee. The release date for the calendar is yet to be announced. Pre-orders can be found in Japanese Online Shops.

Aside from gracing the covers of the Taishu Engeki Magazine, Engeki Graph, Daigoro Tachibana has also been chosen for August 2011 issue of HANABUTAI's (Taishu Engeki gravure johoshi) cover actor. This issue will be the 87th issue since its birth last 2004 and has covered several popular theater troupes during the Heisei era. Copies are now on sale in bookstores all-over Japan. For more information on its release, you can follow the magazine's official website and blog:

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